Saturday, April 30, 2011

Innocents are convicted for Life Sentence

Innocents are convicted for Life Sentence... please advise me to save them

Friends! My native village is Peddavaram , Near Repalle, Guntur Dist. It is being victimized with faction clashes for the last 5 decades. I have started a peace committee (please log on in 2004 and successfully conducted many peace and development activities. In one occasion ...when I am conducting a meeting with villagers for charity... I was faced life threat by one criminal background person. I have requested the police to call him and give proper counseling to enable me to continue my peace activities. But... they were influenced by one politician and never co-operated with my peace activities and advised me don't entire into village. When I could not entire into village ... there was created panic among two groups and tried each other for killing. The same from time to time has been informed to the local police. But... could not responded and never taken any pre-cautionary action.  As a result... a big faction murder was taken place in 2009. The police have arrested 9 persons and booked under 302 section. but, 7 out of 9  are innocents. I have published a banner news item in our news letter (which is available in bringing this fact into the notice of the police. I had sent a e.mail to the SP Guntur with all details of murder regard. But no one was responded. As a result a severe irreparable damage has been taken place in the village due to police attitude.
01) On 15.04.2011.... 9 villagers including innocents convicted for life sentence. This is brought new families and new generation into faction clashes forcibly and  where we have established a High School and giving counseling to the new generation is facing failure.
02) More than 40 villagers are booked under bind over cases.
03) More than 10 villagers are booked as a rowdy sheeters.

Due to police failures, all these are being happening.

Though there is a lot of exercise to be need... but the present  burning point is How to save the innocent villagers from life convict. I have the following idea.

The prosecution is totally false. The innocents  were severely beaten up and taken confessional statements from them. I can prove the false prosecution, if I can get an re-inquiry order from DGP on total village crime while officially allowing  our peace committee as presenter of the village regards. Being a villager, I have full command over the village issues.  Please help to get such order from DGP.

Your cooperation and advises are requested in this issue. Thank you very much.

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